Tuesday 30 August 2016

ust don't blame: what does social anxiety

Bochum (tmn of DPA /) - sweating, trembling, dizziness - if the fear comes, she just wants out. Sabine Krüger (name changed) suffers from social anxiety. "When it was really bad, I have still no longer dared in the Auditorium", says the young woman. "I feel then sometimes paralyzed."
Their responsiveness is also restricted. Sabine Krüger is one of about three million patients in Germany. "Social anxiety is the fear to embarrass themselves if you need to talk to someone, if you will give a lecture, or even if you eat in the public excessively in situations with other people or drinking", explains Ulrich Stangier, Professor of clinical psychology and psychotherapy at the Goethe University in Frankfurt.
Social anxiety disorders start in adolescence: "we can observe an increase if kids come into puberty and slowly out of the family. The contact with their peers and thus less familiar people then more often and can confuse. But even children in kindergarten may be affected"explains Silvia Schneider, Professor of clinical child and youth psychology at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum.

"Unlike just shy people, victims of social anxiety are limited extreme in their interaction with other people", says Schneider. In addition, the fear is not a short-term phenomenon, but present over a longer period.
The fears by Sabine Krüger culminating reach at the beginning of the study. She no longer goes to her lectures, she do not dare to talk to their professors and she maintains contact with its own family hardly. A University counselling service advises her to therapy. She has the courage to take this step, but later. She finds other interested parties through Internet forums. Together they form a self-help group: "it has really helped with others to speak me that understand one. No one condemned one. So not only confidence has built up, real friendships have developed it,"she says today.
In treating the cognitive behavioral therapy shows the best results. The parties concerned should learn skills piece by piece with which they can cope with difficult situations. In most cases, the fears over the lifetime have a fluctuating course. "At the beginning of new life stages they can be stronger, for example at the career", so Sandy.
Sabine Krüger will quickly find a job after graduation. Their work entails however, to declare constantly before their colleagues. She suffers nausea at work, she doubts her skills. "After a few weeks I wanted to cancel again." A colleague noticed her problem and goes to her: "you has built me up, made me courage. Today she's a good friend." Meanwhile she has found a good in your team. Also her boss shows understanding, but there is no special treatment. That wouldn't want it yourself also.
With self-protection strategies affected do not favor white sandy. Not only the behavior therapy and self-help group helped Sabine Krüger. You took classes in which rhetoric, body language and confidence be trained also. Today she says: "I'm trying situations, which I'm afraid, not to avoid. I have learned to face my fears."

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